| An Interview with the Partners, Part II: | Part two of the interview with Ed and Steve Happ, founders of HPMD, by Carolyn Lee. |
 | Service in the Public School: | Applying customer service concepts from the business community to the public sector: the case of Kennebunk School District, by Ed Happ and Mike Kelley |
 | A Scorecard on the Net: | Applying the balanced scorecard concepts to an Intranet based performance measurement application, by Ed Happ |
 | Intranet Applications Using Notes and Domino: | A review of Notes/Domino as a web site engine, and some powerful application suites for the corporate Intranet, by Steve Happ. |
 | Recent Interesting Projects: | A sampling of our recent project list.
 | How to Contact Us: | By email, phone, fax and post --how to reach us at HPMD. |