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We created the following quiz to help our customers and prospects assess where they are in the business performance measurement cycle. The quiz is self scoring, and will likely produce much food for thought. If it raises some questions you would like to discuss, please contact us by signing our Guestbook, and adding your comments.

A Self Quiz

For each question, underline the response that best describes the situation for your local business unit and enter the corresponding score to the left of each. When you are through, add up the points and enter the total in the space at the end.

____ 1. Who in your business unit knows what your customers' expectations for your products and services are? (All employees = 15 points, Most employees = 10 points, All managers and supervisors = 6 points, Sr. Management only = 3 points, No one or Don't know = 0 points)

____ 2. When was the last time you surveyed your customers to determine how satisfied they are with your products and services? (Within past 6 months = 10 points, Within past year = 5 points, Within last 18 months = 2 points, Greater than 18 months or Not sure = 0 points)

____ 3. How often do you get specific, concrete feedback that tells you whether you're meeting or exceeding your customer's expectations? (Weekly = 10 points, Monthly = 5 points, Quarterly = 2 points, None = 0 points)

____ 4. Do you know the top 3 areas you need to change to improve your customers' satisfaction levels? (Yes = 5 points, Somewhat = 2 points, No = 0 points)

____ 5. How often do you get measure whether you're improving on your customer's top three issues? (Weekly = 10 points, Monthly = 5 points, Quarterly = 2 points, Semi-Annually = 1 point, None = 0 points)

____ 6. How often do you get a report that tells you whether you're delivering your products and services to your customers on time? (Weekly = 10 points, Monthly = 5 points, Quarterly = 2 points, Semi-Annually = 1 point, None = 0 points)

____ 7. How often do you get a report that tells you whether you're delivering your products and services to your customers cost effectively? (Weekly = 10 points, Monthly = 5 points, Quarterly = 2 points, Semi-Annually = 1 point, None = 0 points)

____ 8. When was the last time you surveyed your employees to determine how satisfied they are with management and their work environment? (Within past 6 months = 10 points, Within past year = 5 points, Within last 18 months = 2 points, Greater than 18 months or Not sure = 0 points)

____ 9. Do you know the top 3 areas you need to change to improve your employees' satisfaction levels? (Yes = 5 points, Somewhat = 2 points, No = 0 points)

____ 10. How often do you measure whether you're improving on your employee's top three issues? (Weekly = 10 points, Monthly = 5 points, Quarterly = 2 points, Semi-Annually = 1 point, None = 0 points)

____ 11. When was the last time objectives were set with each employee? (Within past 3 months = 15 points, Within past 6 months = 10 points, Within last 12 months = 5 points, Greater than 12 months or Not sure = 0 points)

____ 12. How often are these objectives reviewed with each employee? (Every 3 months = 10 points, Every 6 months = 5 points, Every 12 months = 2 points, Greater than 12 months or Not sure = 0 points)

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____ 13. How often are employees briefed on your business unit financial and non-financial performance results? (Every month = 10 points, Every 3 months = 5 points, Every 6 months = 2 points, Greater than 6 months or Not sure = 0 points)

____ 14. Do you know the top 3 areas of operations (e.g. customer billing) that need efficiency improvements? (Yes = 5 points, Somewhat = 2 points, No = 0 points)

____ 15. Do you know the top 3 customer-valued processes that need quality improvements? (Yes = 5 points, Somewhat = 2 points, No = 0 points)

____ 16. How often do you get a report showing whether you're improving on your top three operations issues? (Weekly = 10 points, Monthly = 5 points, Quarterly = 2 points, Semi-Annually = 1 point, None = 0 points)

____ 17. Do you know how your key operating efficiency measures compare to other companies in your industry? (Yes = 5 points, Somewhat = 2 points, No = 0 points)

____ 18. How often do you measure the status of the action plans to address the top issues uncovered on your latest client or employee surveys? (Weekly = 10 points, Monthly = 5 points, Quarterly = 2 points, Semi-Annually = 1 point, None = 0 points)

____ 19. How often do you get a report that tells you overall health of your business unit? (Weekly = 10 points, Monthly = 5 points, Quarterly = 2 points, Semi-Annually = 1 point, None = 0 points)

____ 20. How many reports do you need to read to get a complete picture of your business unit's health? (1 report = 10 points, 2-4 reports = 5 points, 5 or more reports = 0 points)

____ 21. On average, how many pages of information do you need search through to find a piece of significant information about your business unit? (One page = 10 points, Two-four pages = 5 points, Five-Fifteen pages = 2 points, Greater than 15 = 0 points)

____ 22. Does your business unit have a strategic or annual business plan? (Yes = 10 points, Somewhat = 2 points, No = 0 points)

____ 23. Do you have specific objectives that are linked to your business unit strategic plan? (Yes = 10 points, Somewhat = 2 points, No = 0 points)

____ 24. How often do you formally review progress on your strategic plan objectives? (Weekly = 10 points, Monthly = 5 points, Quarterly = 2 points, Semi-Annually = 1 point, None = 0 points)

____ 25. Are group and individual performance reviews tied to measures based on the strategic objectives? (Yes = 10 points, Partially = 5 points, No = 0 points)

____ 26. Are incentives and bonuses tied to measures based on the strategic objectives? (Yes = 10 points, Partially = 5 points, No = 0 points)

____ 27. How often are your business results celebrated with a special event? ((Every 3 months = 10 points, Every 6 months = 5 points, Every 12 months = 2 points, Greater than 12 months or Not sure = 0 points)

_______ TOTAL SCORE.

© Copyright 1994, HP Management Decisions Ltd., All Rights Reserved.


If your total score is:
How did you do? If you would like to discuss the results, please contact us by signing our Guestbook, and adding your comments. Also, for a look at a sample performance measurement tool, please see our Scorecard Demo. vn 1.4, 14 Dec 94
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