Subsection: 1.1 About the Scorecard Application
Topic: Overview
What is it?
The Scorecard application is an Executive Information System (EIS) based on Lotus Notes and Corporate databases.
What is the Purpose?
The purpose of the application is to provide an on-line record of monthly scorecards of key performance measures for each region or group, that may be shared and compared among the regional offices and headquarters.
Who should use it?
The application is designed primarily for managers. Selected reports may be printed for staff distribution, excluding sensitive or confidential information.
How is it Used?
Each month, every region composes a scorecard of results, indicating current values and trends for their critical performance measures. Data gather from corporate databases, spreadhseets and email. The data is then preprocessed into a Notes database, where historical data is maintained. Trends are then calculated and graphs composed. A series of programs is then run monthly from Lotus Notes to create the Scorecard document and transfer the results and graphs into related Notes documents. Notes provides the means for sharing Scorecard information among the regional offices and with corporate headquarters.