Subsection: 5.2 Correcting the Notes Form
Topic: Selective Replacement Method
Use the Selective Replacement method when then are 4 or less values and associated graphs to replace. Follow these steps:
1. First correct the data entries in the Excel spreadsheet (for detailed instructions, double-click here:
). Save the corrected spreadsheet, but leave it and Excel open while you continue with the following steps. (Note: You can switch to Notes quickly by using the Windows command Alt-Tab or Ctrl-Escape.)
2. From the main Notes Menu, select View Admin then Documents By #. Highlight the Scorecard you wish to correct. Be sure that the Region and "As Of" date match the Scorecard you desire.
3. From the Notes main menu, select Edit then Edit Document. Press Ctrl-End to go to the bottom of the Scorecard to the last field, labeled Temp-Desc. This field holds the result and trend values from the last transfer from the Excel spreadsheet.
4. Paint (highlight) the contents of the Temp-Desc field. You can use the mouse or Shift-RightArrow keys to paint the field. Then press Delete. The contents will be deleted.
5. Next move the cursor up to the Supporting figures field and delete the doclink icon
in this field.
6. Now delete any graph doclink icons next to each Scorecard value which will change.
7. Press Escape or Double-Right-Click and answer Yes to save the document. (Note: If you inadvertently deleted information you wanted to retain, you can answer No instead and start over with step #3.)
8. From the Admin Documents By # view, mark the history document and each graph document to be updated. Documents are marked by highlighting them and pressing the Space Bar, or single-clicking in the left gray border next to the desired document. The graph documents marked should correspond to the doclink icons you deleted in step #6.
9. Press the Delete key and select Yes. A delete symbol should appear next to each marked document. Then press F9 to refresh the view and select Yes to confirm the delete.
10. You are now ready to transfer the corrected spreadsheet data. First, insure that Excel and the Scorecard spreadsheet are open (You can use Alt-Tab to verify), and the Notes Scorecard document is highlighted in the Admin Documents By # view.
11. All of the data transfer commands are located under the Notes main menu Tools Run Macros command. These commands take from 1 to minutes each to execute. First, select the Get Values and Trends command. This updates all the Scorecard results and trend indicators.
12. Next run the Get the History Page command. This creates a new history page with the spreadsheet image, and places the doclink to it in the Scorecard document.
13. Now run the Retrieve a Selected Graph command. At the prompt, select the graph name to be retrieved. This creates a new graph document for the selected graph and places a doclink next to it in the Scorecard document. It also connects the History page to the graph document with another doclink.
14. Repeat step #13 for each graph desired. (Note: You should not be running this command more than 4 times, otherwise consider the Total Replacement method, documented here: