Employee Opinion Survey

DATE: Today
FROM:The Boss
CC:His or Her Boss

The following is a survey I'd like you each to complete. This feedback is very important to the success of our business and achieving our goal of being the best in our industry. I need you to be as honest as possible. If I don't know what issues are on your mind, we can't fix them.

For those of you who haven't been with the company very long, give your opinions where you feel you can, or select neutral, if you have no opinion.

This survey is totally anonymous and confidential. However, I would like an indication of your department so that we can receive some feedback particular to your group.

Once the results are compiled, I'll share them at the following company meeting. I need these done by date . For this to work well, I need to get back everyone's completed survey. After I compile the results, I'll share my findings with all of you. Thanks for your feedback.

Your Code: optional, e.g. 123
Department: select one

The following is a checklist for rating your company and its management. The survey should be completed anonymously. Answer the questions as honestly as possible, using the following 7 point scale. In order to complete the survey, you must provide an answer to all except the final four questions. If you don't have an opinion on a particular statement, enter a 4.

Neutral or Unknown



1.An environment of open communication is encouraged at our company.
above the level of my immediate manager.
2.I feel free to communicate my ideas and concerns to managers
3.On most work related matters, I can express my opinions openly and honestly.


4.I have received the training and personal development opportunities I need to do my job well.
5.Equal opportunities are provided for all company employees to advance and grow.


6.Teamwork and cooperation among departments are encouraged in working together to achieve company objectives.
7.I feel involved in making decisions that affect our company.


8.Deadlines for completion of my work are reasonable.
9.Projects are adequately staffed in my department

Morale and Environment

10.Right now, morale at our company is good.
11.Employee morale has improved in the past six months
12.If I received a job offer from another department in our company, I would take it.
13.I am likely to leave this company for work with another company in the next three months.
14.The office facilities encourage a productive work environment.
15.The office equipment we have at our company is sufficient to get our daily work done.


16.Compared to what other companies offer in our geographic area for similar work, paid compensation is fair at our company.
17.Compared to what other companies offer in our geographic area for similar work, benefits are fair at our company.
18.My pay is better than what most other companies offer for similar work
19.Company employees are recognized and rewarded based on performance.


20.I feel comfortable about the business propects of our company.
21.I feel comfortable about the financial health of our company at this time.


22.My department objectives are clearly defined.
23.Company values are clearly demonstrated and reinforced.


Please give your opinions on the following statements in relation to the performance of your Supervisor or Manager:

24.Conveys the results he or she expects of me.
25.Encourages me to be creative and innovative.
26.Allows me to use my own judgment and make decisions independently.
27.Gives me good direction when I ask questions.
28.Listens to my ideas and concerns.
29.Helps me understand how I can advance myself within the company.
30.Gives me meaningful and honest feedback on how I perform my job.
31.Motivates me to do the best I can.
32.Treats me fairly and consistently.
33.Supports and backs me when needed.
34.Champions issues to Senior Management.
35.Spends adequate time with me.
36.Delegates effectively.
37.Gives me meaningful, useful and fair performance reviews.

Senior Management

Please give your opinions on the following statements in relation to the performance of the company's senior management team.

38.I feel comfortable with the senior management team at our company.
39.The senior management team appears competent to handle the job of running the company well.
40. The senior management team has kept us well informed about major changes in our company.


The following questions are optional. Your answers may be as long or short as you like.

41. The top 3 problems which need to be fixed at our company in general, and in my department specifically, are:

42. The top 3 things that are working well at our company that I want to make sure continue are:

43. Other recommendations or advice I have for our senior management team are:

Thank you for your time and feedback.

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