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Letters to a Young Manager

The Dessert Box, #513

Please note that this letter is in-process; the following are my notes

Dear Adam,
Steve’s dessert box story ~1962
If you’re so full that you can’t finish your vegetables, how can you have room for dessert?
It’s because there’s a special area of the stomach called the dessert box that only opens at the end of the meal. 

It’s not a problem it’s an opportunity 
Moral: Reframe the problem with a good metaphor and some humor and you may get a different answer 

Add to the Lima Beans story on culture, with Steve's Dessert Box story:
As a child Steve had trouble finishing his dinner, but he also had room for dessert.
When our mother pointed that out, he said, in the stomach, there is a special area called the "dessert box". It only only opens at the end of the meal.
Moral: There's always room to celebrate
Sincerely yours,



It’s not a problem it’s an opportunity 

Discussion Questions:

For Further Reading:

See "Lima Beans," Letter #305

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