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Letters to a Young Manager

Jell, #604

Please note that this letter is in-process; the following are my notes

Dear Adam,
"But the idea, and I think Jack Welch was correct here, your job, as a leader of your team, your job is to field the best possible team, meaning putting the best possible team out on the field to play the game. And that involves strategy, that involves training, that involves hiring, bringing in the best new players. And so that's a lot of HR stuff. But when the team, what Timothy Lister calls Jells, when a team jells and comes together, they can accomplish so much more.[1] Then as manager, your job is to get out of the way. Because, they're so motivated, and Jelled, moving in the same direction. Like teams that are playing professional sports Jell, they're just invincible, it's like they can do no wrong, they're winning game after game, with long winning streaks, and just because nothing succeeds, like success. Success is like a big snowball rolling down the hill and it gets bigger and bigger, faster and faster. So as a manager, you want the team to Jell and then get out of the way and just give them the resources that they need to be successful. Yeah, so anyway, to make a long story short, to your point about HR things, that is a key part of your role. There are some aspects of HR that you'll end up delegating, you'll have an outside person, and you'll hire an HR manager at some point. But initially, it's how do you get that team to be the best team on the field to play the best game?"
Sincerely yours,

[1] Tom DeMarco, Tim Lister, Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams, Addison-Wesley, Third Edition, 2013, p. 133.


Nothing succeeds like success

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