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Letters to a Young Manager

Rejections into Opportunities, #626
LTYM > Managing People II

Dear Adam,
Hunting for a new job can be a winding road. In route to an offer, handling the rejections can tough. I'm reminded about a story I wrote about dealing with rejections [1]. While primarily written about innovation, I think this also applies to job hunting.  Here's an additional thought:

A friend of mine once took a seminar with Tom Hopkins, a sales guru.  One of the attendees asked him, "how do you handle all the rejections?"  
He said, "they energize me."  
"They do what," the attendee asked?  
"They energize me, because it means I am one prospect closer to the sale."

Whether we are a consultant looking for new business, or an applicant looking for a new job.  We are often faced with rejections.  If we reframe this as a normal part of the sales cycle, and it means we are further along the journey to success. We gain the motivation to press on, and get energized by the realization that we are closer to our goal.

Hang in there!
Sincerely yours,

[1] See "1,008 Rejections," Story #101.


Reframe rejections as opportunities

Discussion Questions:

For Further Reading:

See "1,008 Rejections," Story #101.

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