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Letters to a Young Manager

Consistency, #213

Please note that this letter is in-process; the following are my notes

Dear Adam,
There would be something satisfying if all of these stories provided a clear and consistent map to excellence. But they don't. M Scott Peck said that he did not know one great truth that was not a paradox.

I once heard a Lutheran theologian speak about the sacraments. When challenged that baptism did not fit the mold of "an outward and visible sign of an inward an visible grace." His reply was to paraphrase Emerson that consistency is a luxury of small minds.

So of course some of the stories told here have been at odds. That's the way reality works. Sometimes we have to make choices; other times we just need to embrace both sides of the paradox or inconsistency.
Sincerely yours,



Consistency is a luxury of small minds.

Discussion Questions:

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