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Letters to a Young Manager

The Cost of Complexity, #581

Please note that this letter is in-process; the following are my notes

Dear Adam,
See 12/14/22 ERP dialog with John K and Bob C. My latest response:

"As John mentions, we know how to build great software, but doing so requires discipline and effort that no one wants to pay for. Ed, how many organizations would go through your thirty questions? And how many would dismiss them out of hand?" --Bob

"One of the intents of the thirty questions, was to overwhelm the executive considering an ERP system. This is in part because it is an overwhelming project, with very high failure rates. But another intent was to push the notion that complexity is hard to get right, and we would be better served to pursue simplicity. So I opted for a “chunking down” strategy, similar in approach to the department focused MVP." --Ed
Sincerely yours,



Complexity is too hard to get right

Discussion Questions:

For Further Reading:

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