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Letters to a Young Manager

The Knowledge is in the Doing, #64
LTYM > Project Management

Dear Sophie,
You've had some good experience with projects. Did you ever know all you needed for the project before the design began?

If we are honest with ourselves, 50% of what we need to know is in the doing. I remember a project at beta test, when we demo'd it for the executive who requested it. He looked at it with a frown and said, "no that's not quite right," you need an option here and a change there. We had to postpone the beta test and reprogram a bit.

Most users cannot tell you exactly what they want; you have to show them. This is why prototypes are so important, with a healthy dose of design humility. In other words, expect to get it wrong a few times before you get it right.


50% of what you need to know is in the doing

Discussion Questions:

1) Why can some people visualize a solution and some can't? Is that a reason why some are good designers and for others it's a mystery?
2) What are some ways to model a problem a prototype a solution?
3) Does the innovation mantra of fail fast, fail cheap, fail often apply here?
4) when are prototypes not feasible?

For Further Reading:

Kent Beck, Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change, Addison-Wesley, 2000, especially chapter 3, "Economics of Software Development", where Beck argues for the value in increasing the options for business decisions; and by implication that the delay in specs is cheap

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