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Letters to a Young Manager

Holly's Story, #272

Please note that this letter is in-process; the following are my notes

Dear Adam,
Holly's interactive submarine story to latest Blog entry
Sense of imagination?

This Blog post? "Peering Over the Horizon," Aug. 24, 2009,
"I heard an interesting rejoinder this morning to looking to the future with humility. It's half right. We are called to approach the future with humility and wonder. Yes, a beginner's mind is more apt to learn and be surprised with an "ah, yes!" rather than an "oh no!".

Also this opening paragraph:
"In the movie Big, a young boy puts a quarter in a fortune telling vending machine and makes a wish. When he doesn't appear to get it, he is disappointed. The storyline ends up being a fantasy of "be careful what you wish for; you just may get it." "



Imagination is one image leading to another and another

Discussion Questions:

For Further Reading:

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