Story of our move from West Babylon and gift from Mr. Schultz across the street: whisk broom, salt and ...
Rites to mark major moves/changes
"The Meanings of the Salt
While the traditional Jewish ritual emphasizes the connection with the ancient Jewish temple and the sanctuary offered there, it is more common to hear salt invoked as something that will ensure that life in the home always has spice or flavor. In many cases, the first visitor to cross the threshold of the house brings the salt, but both this ritual and the symbolic meaning of the salt are open to creative interpretation by those who engage in it. The origin of these traditions is unknown, though given their similarity to the Jewish tradition, they may be versions of it, stripped of religious meaning.
The Meaning of the Broom
Brooms are very common housewarming gifts; they always symbolize the act of cleaning. What is being swept, though, is open to interpretation. Some people would say that a broom sweeps out the old to make way for the new, while folklore has it that a broom sweeps away troubles or evil. There is no clear origin for the different meanings invoked for the broom; different cultures account for them differently."