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Letters to a Young Manager

Using the Wishlist, #587

Please note that this letter is in-process; the following are my notes

Dear Adam,
Every good idea is worth considering. But not all ideas get implemented.

From the D4G transcripts
5/5/23: Getting stakeholder feedback is part of what you use to feed a wishlist. You don't necessarily do everything that's on a wishlist, though, you can say, fine this suggestion or this idea, that's for version four. That's way out in the future. But you do from time to time, and usually part of the annual budgeting process, a reading and a filtering of wishlist items of things that should be included in the project list.

5/5/23: Again, a wishlist is not what we must do immediately. It takes both a short term and a long term view. But it also becomes a place to put everything so like all good ideas, all good suggestions, get included and nothing's lost. But it doesn't necessarily translate into our work list.
Sincerely yours,



All good ideas have a home; not all good ideas get done

Discussion Questions:

For Further Reading:

See "Phase 3," Letter #137
See "Saying No without Saying No," Letter #36

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