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Letters to a Young Manager

Metrics in the Midst, #620

Please note that this letter is in-process; the following are my notes

Dear Adam,
I remember there was a company in San Francisco that did direct project management in the nonprofit world, and they were involved in micro-finance, providing very small loans to very small businesses in emerging countries. And they had their key performance indicators they had displayed digitally up on a wall in the midst of the group of programmers, even as they were working on the system.[1]

And everybody could see almost in real-time what was happening in terms of how many loans were made, how many loans were paid back, and some other impact measures that they had. And it was just the best example I've seen of KPIs and metrics motivating, because it was in the midst of the people and everybody could see it.

Sincerely yours,

[1] See JohnGwillim, “Measuring Social Performance,” Kiva Blog, August 12, 2011,


Bringing real-time metrics into the workroom can be motivating to the team

Discussion Questions:

For Further Reading:

"The Scoreboard, LTYM, Story #132

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