Letters to a Young Manager
The Well
Please note that this letter is in-process; the following are my notes
Dear Adam,
Save the Children had an education program in rural Zambia. The problem was that none of the girls were attending. When STC fieldworkers asked why, they were told that the women had to walk 10 km to fetch water each day. The girls need to do the house chores and watch the younger siblings while the mothers were away for 4-5 hours each day.
STC met with the village elders and asked if they were to drill a well for the village, would the elders agree to send the girls to school. They agreed. The well was dug. Mothers stayed in the village and the young girls went to school.
This is a case of working with the community to uncover and address the root causes.
Sincerely yours,
Addressing the root causes can lead to positive change
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