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Letters to a Young Manager

Children as Leading Indicators, #221

Please note that this letter is in-process; the following are my notes

Add stories to strategy section to illustrate my strategy strengths and connections theme
For example, kids as a leading indicator; business as a leading indicator for nonprofits; leapfrog technologies, disruptive technologies, impact of demographics? Who am I reading, etc.?

Check my STC Aug-06 futures paper for additional ideas.

and my 9/29/07 email to Allan Alter at CIO Insight

Here are the top ten technology topics, in random order, that are on my radar screen for 2008 (and beyond.)  I’ve excluded the nonprofit-specific ones.
1)       SaaS ERPs
2)       PDA Applications
3)       The retirement challenge:
(The changing landscape of attracting and retaining technology workers as the retirement wave begins)
4)       Global broadband
5)       Cell phone, PDA, laptop convergence
6)       Knowledge-managing email
7)       Strategy, innovation and failure
8)       Children as leading indicators
9)       Small versus big solutions
10)   “Good enough” technology



Look to the youngest generations for the future of technology

Discussion Questions:

For Further Reading:

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