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Letters to a Young Manager

The 5C's, #624

Please note that this letter is in-process; the following are my notes

Dear Sophie,
I wrote these tips for a 6 year-old who was just learning to fish in our local pond and got frustrated when he didn't get any bites. Here were 5 things, I wrote, you could change and try to improve your luck. He hung the note on his bulletin board. He catches more fish today.

The Fisherman’s 5 C’s
1. Change your cast (near and far, left and right)
2. Change your location (if no bites, move)
3. Change your lure or bait (if no bites, switch)
4. Change your speed (slow, pause, fast, slow…)
5. Change your time of day (fish feed early & late)

I remember saying often attributed to Einstein, that "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." Try changing your approach. Or simply try changing anything!
Sincerely yours,


If you're not succeeding, try changing your approach

Discussion Questions:

For Further Reading:

See "The Fisherman," Story #623

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