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Letters to a Young Manager

Acts of Kindness, #542
LTYM > Service

Dear Adam,
Last Sunday I drove to the Starbucks drive through. There was usually a line of cars, sometimes stretching form the parking lot to the highway. Two young ladies were waiting to enter the line from the left, so I waved them in and pulled up behind them. After announcing my order to the curbside microphone, I waited my turn to the window. When I picked up my latte and went to pay, the server said the car in front of me had already paid for mine. Surprised, then pleased. I asked if she knew their names. "No," was her reply. So I concluded that it must be one of those anonymous acts of kindness. And it gave me pause.

Surprising your customers and colleagues with an act of kindness builds that sense of delight in doing business together. Coming up with something can be a creative discussion for your team. But don't expect anything in return. Make it a surprise.
Sincerely yours,



Brainstorm kind surprises

Discussion Questions:

1. What random acts of kindness have you experienced in the workplace?
2. When was the last time you did something kind for a customer or colleague?

For Further Reading:

See "Paying it Forward," #530

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