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Letters to a Young Manager

That Was a Good Meeting, #51
LTYM > Process and Operations Management

Dear Sophie,
Why did you think that was a good meeting?  Was it the positive mood?  How do you know you weren't wasting your, and more importantly, the team's time?  

I remember a senior manager scheduling a meeting, just titled, "meeting with IT".  I asked for an agenda and the objective for the meeting, twice.  The response: "she just needs to meet with you".  How do you prepare for that?  It was clear that she needed to be in control no matter whether it wasted my or my team's time.

The studies suggest that managers spend over half their time in meetings, and most of it is miserable.[1] Why is that? The short answer is that too many people don't know how to give good meetings. The prospects can be greatly improved by some advance preparation, and a dose of common courtesy.

The first question to ask is whether the meeting is actually necessary?[2]  Can it be accomplished in another way?  

If the meeting is necessary, the next three questions are what are the objectives, and what is the agenda for the meeting, and who needs to attend (emphasis on needs).  

Afterwards, how do you know it was a good meeting?  Ask two bottom line questions: were the objectives set for the meeting accomplished; and were there clear action items and assignments afterward? 

For some more tips, see the list of proverbs, below.

[1] See the infographic, here:
[2] Much of the advice in this letter are from the HPMD Bullet #55, "Meeting Proverbs," 1994, from my consulting days:


Without specific action items, the meeting was a waste of time.

Discussion Questions:

1) What was the worst meeting you ever attended?  Why?
2) What was the best meeting?  Why?
3) What is the value of a short, stand-up meeting?  For what topics does this work or not work?
4) What topics are better handled by an email or memo?

For Further Reading:

1) For an interesting parable, see Patrick Lencioni's, Death by Meeting: A Leadership Fable...About Solving the Most Painful Problem in Business, March 4, 2004
2) Compare Agile Programming's 5-15 minute daily stand-up meetings, 
3) For an entertaining poke-in-the-eye, watch the conference call spoof, here: 

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