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Letters to a Young Manager

We Are Better Together, #588
LTYM > Culture

Dear Sophie,
So your seminar leader wanted you each to tell a story as part of your self-introduction. That's a good opportunity to listen.

I was once invited to a business dinner where the topic was the power of stories [1]. Our host asked us to each tell a story that impacted our work. I told story about my collaboration book project that had the working title "Collaborate or Perish".[2] I first wrote about this in the International Civil Society journal in October 2012, following my Rockefeller Fellowship in Bellagio, Italy. [3] Then I found that William Bratton, the ex-police chief of NYC published a book with the same title.[4] The title was already taken!

But my fortune was about to change. In Nov. 2012 we had a NetHope Summit in Seattle and a dinner at FareStart,[5] the restaurant that trains homeless people to be food service workers. The speaker for the dinner was Melissa Waggener founder and CEO of the marketing communications firm Waggener-Edstrom. [6] Melissa talked about what she had seen at NetHope: that NetHope "just works". We all nodded and were proud. She went on to say, because "we are better together"! There was my new title. How appropriate in that setting of nonprofits, corporate partners and a workforce readiness program that works.

What I learned was that listening and being open to the conversation brings the solution.
Sincerely yours,

[1]NetHope Summit "Birds of a Feather Dinner", sponsored by CDW and Splunk, "Power of Stories," Nov. 8, 2016, Mary Mac's Tea Room, Atlanta, GA.
[2] Collaborate or Perish was also the NetHope Summit theme in Nov. 2009.
[3] A copy of the article is on my Blog, here:
[4] William Bratton, "Collaborate or Perish," Jan. 2012,
[5] See their story at
[6] See their website at


Listening to the conversation brings the solution.

Discussion Questions:

1) What stories do you tell about yourself?
2) What stories do you remember? Which do you learn from?
3) What can your team learn about you from your stories?

For Further Reading:

Go back and read the Introduction.

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