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TitleCan be sorted ascendingNumber
Hide details for 0. Preface0. Preface
Title Page0.1
Cast of Characters0.6
Hide details for 1. Mission and Vision1. Mission and Vision
When We Get Technology Right, More Kids Get Fed57
The Truck296
Michelangelo II330
Becoming Italian349
The Winter Coat461
Hide details for 2. Managing People -- How to Begin2. Managing People -- How to Begin
First Impressions1
We're Going to Be Great Writers2
You Can Be Anything You Want To Be4
The Catered Lunch21
No Problem Identification Without Recommendation27
Why Don't Managers Act More Like Parents?30
Signing Up47
Rewrite Performance Reviews76
Take me to the river370
The Bell Ringer460
The Grenade536
Hide details for 3. Strategy3. Strategy
Draw a Picture3
Draw Another Picture46
The Secret to Success48
The Webcam and Being There49
Collaborating is Doing it Together52
Legacy Systems: Fish or Cut Bait55

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