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Letters to a Young Manager

More Impersonal than an ATM, #87
LTYM > Service II

Dear Sophie,
I enjoyed your story about the bad service you experienced at the electronics store. It reminded me of a local supermarket.

My local A&P is the closest full-service grocery store for most of No. Stamford. Checking out is an experience I could only compare to buying tokens for the New York subway system. There is never an hello, no smile, no eye contact -- not even when giving change. No one even asks whether you would like paper or plastic bags. And when your transaction is completed, there is never a please come again, not even a thank you. My local ATM machine is more friendly! I keeping thinking what a tremendous opportunity it would be to open a friendly market nearby.

Bad service is selfish, impersonal, rule-based and authoritarian. As selfish, bad service is centered on the organization processes rather than the customer needs. As impersonal, it stresses sales or process over creating relationships with a clientele. As rule-based, it emphasizes policies and is inflexible about changing them. As authoritarian, it demands compliance, rather than striving to make an encounter that is comfortable and rewarding.

Sound familiar?



Bad service is also legendary

Discussion Questions:

1) What horror stories about bad service have you heard or experienced?
2) How many other people have you told?
3) How does your company or department avoid bad service? How do you recover from it when it happens?

For Further Reading:

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