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Letters to a Young Manager

In-Between Spaces, #549

Please note that this letter is in-process; the following are my notes

Dear Adam,
11/26/18 Bennett Yee 1:1 - Referral by Jack Levy Meeting Follow-up

LTYM - the value of mastering the in-between spaces for multi-disciplinary interests (Ross, LSA - Cognitive Sci and CSE)


Great chatting with you.  Here's some follow-up items:
  1. The AI special interest group I mentioned:
  2. The Jerry Sternin article on positive deviance, here: and here for the "chief amplifier" role:
  3. The Chip and Dan Heath "Switch" excerpt on bright spots that builds on Jerry Sternin's work, here:
  4. My article on the importance of conversation in applying data science: 

Let me know what questions arise and what discoveries you make.  Best,

Sincerely yours,



Multi-Disciplinary mastery is about the in-between spaces of interests

Discussion Questions:

For Further Reading:

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