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| Author | Title/Subject | |
| Economics |
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| Empowerment |
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| Excellence |
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| Exercises |
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| Goals |
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| Human Resources |
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| Innovation |
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| Jobs |
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| Knowledge Management |
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| Leadership |
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| Management |
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| Bossidy, Larry,Charan Ram, and Burck, Charles | Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done (Execution and overcoming events) | |
| Drucker, Peter | Doing the right things (Drucker on Leadership) | |
| Drucker, Peter | Management's New Paradigms (Drucker on Succession Planning) | |
| Finney, Paul Burnham | Paying the Price of being Perfect (Are You a Perfectionist? A Short Quiz.) | |
| Finney, Paul Burnham | Paying the Price of being Perfect (The Perils of Perfectionism) | |
| Happ, Ed | Perfection and Procrastination (Perfection and Procrastination) | |
| Marketing |
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| Measurement |
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| Motivation |
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| Perfection |
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| Personal |
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| Product Management |
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| Project Management |
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| Prototyping |
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| Quality |
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| Quotes |
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| Reengineering |
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| Strategic Planning |
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| Strategy |
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