HPMD Quotes & Sources
"The goal of customer service is to get a positive customer response, the thank-you for helping me get what I need to be successful, to reach my goals."
Short Quote:
"The goal of customer service is to get a positive customer response, the thank-you for helping me get what I need to be successful, to reach my goals." --E. Happ
© Copyright 1995, 2002, HP Management Decisions Ltd., All Rights Reserved.
Author: | Happ, Ed |
Title: | Goal of Customer Service |
Periodical: | |
Volume: | |
Number: | |
Publisher: | |
Place (City): | |
Publication Date: | 9/30/95 |
Pages: | |
Source Type: | |
Quote Number: | 33 |
Categories: | Customer Service, Quotes |