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HPMD Home Page
 | Title | |
LaPlante, Alice | |
Maister, David | |
Malone, Tom | |
Martin, Steve | |
Michelangelo | |
Mintzberg, Henry | |
Nelson, Bob | |
Peppers, Don & Martha Rogers | |
Peters, Tom | |
Plamenatz, John | |
Quinn, Brian | |
Ratliffe, Mitch | |
Reingold , Jennifer with Diane Brady | |
Rita Heise | |
Roosevelt, Theodore | |
Saint-Exupery, Antoine de | |
| Goals and plans (A goal without a plan is just a wish) |  |
| Perfection and subtraction (Perfection is achieved... when there is nothing left to take away) |  |
| Tasks and shared vision (teach them a yearning for the immensity of the sea.) |  |
Santayana, George | |
Schrage, Michael | |
Senge, Peter, etal. | |
Sewell, Carl | |
Shapiro, Eileen | |
Simon, Paul | |
Tichy, Noel & Stratford Sherman | |
Trompenaars, Fons | |
Twain, Mark | |
Unknown | |
Voltaire | |